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Catering for guests

Catering for Guests who Graze

A hungry guest is the last thing any event planner wants to see. But not everyone wants to sit down to one huge meal. Here’s our guide to planning for guests who want to snack throughout the day.

Arrival Snacks

Tea and coffee (and plenty of it!) are supplied at pretty much all events, but you can set the scene for a special day by providing guests with a little extra. Supplement conventional hot drinks with fruit juices, hot chocolate, and herbal teas. Rather than stale pastries, your attendees are sure to appreciate a snack of fruit salad, freshly made muffins, and granola bars.


Think mini versions of standard lunch fare and all guests – regardless of appetite – will be satisfied. Mini sandwiches (or lobster rolls if you really want to impress), mini pies (to accommodate a range of dietary preferences), and mini portions of curry (great for those who just can’t make up their mind!) are sure to be popular. Whatever your lunch theme is, just ask your catering team to make it mini! Supplement it with snacks like crisps made from an assortment of vegetables, savoury popcorn, mini cupcakes, and macarons.

Afternoon Tea

Why not consider a twist on the usual breakout staple of a hot drink and a biscuit? Guests could cool down with a mocktail, fruit smoothie, or raspberry lemonade. Or, you could heat things up with a selection of teas and coffees, chai tea, or Mexican spiced hot cocoa. A non-alcoholic mulled wine during the festive season is always popular! We recommend keeping things simple with a snack of banana bread and mini savoury scones.

Evening Meal

Much like lunch, keeping portions small for the evening meal is recommended. To differentiate dinner from lunch, why not opt for a cuisine that encourages sharing like Spanish tapas? A light dessert will encourage guests to mingle and take part in the evening’s entertainment.

How do you cater for guests at your events? We’d love to hear in the Comments section below or on Twitter!

Blaise Perse

Blaise Perse

Blaise Perse is an accomplished content creator and strategist known for her captivating work at, a premier online platform for event organization and engagement. With a degree in Communications and a minor in Creative Writing from Boston University, Blaise has spent the past six years carving out a niche for herself within the events industry, focusing on creating immersive and engaging content that not only draws attendees in but keeps them talking long after the event has ended.

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